The Benefits of Hemp Seed

Hemp seeds are an untapped source of vital nutrients and health-enhancing vitamins and minerals. These seeds, which form the base of many of Canaherb’s natural health products, have a range of nutritional and health benefits, according to experts at both WebMD and
The hemp plant is related to the cannabis plant, but hemp seeds contain none of the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in cannabis and used for recreational purposes. Instead, hemp seeds have been used for centuries in traditional medicinal practices, both through ingestion and through direct application to the skin as a topical salve. Recent scientific and medical research is validating what healers and herbal medicine practitioners have always known: hemp seeds are powerful natural health supplements.
Hemp seeds contain high levels of magnesium and manganese, both of which are not typically found from other dietary sources. Magnesium provides a variety of both mental and physical health boosters. Its mental health benefits include improved memory, learning, and mood, while its benefits to physical health include better sleep, increased oxygen uptake and energy production, boosted strength, more balanced electrolytes, and a better regulated heartbeat, which has been linked to prevention of heart disease later in life.  Manganese, for its part, promotes healthy skin and joints, and maintains a strong internal bone structure, a particularly important factor for women who have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis.
Beyond magnesium and manganese, hemp seeds are also an excellent source of an assortment of additional vitamins and minerals with a range of health-enhancing effects. Hemp seeds contain high levels of:
  • Zinc, which is crucial to the healthy functioning of your immune system.
  • Linoleic acid, which has been shown to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure in some studies.
  • Omega-6 fatty acid, which has anti-inflammatory effects and can help with arthritis pain, and omega-3 fatty acid, which boosts overall cognitive health.
  • Vitamin B, which helps support healthy energy levels.
It is clear that hemp seeds are a hidden gem, a miracle of a health supplement that can transform your life and improve your well-being in a wide variety of ways. Canaherb’s hemp-based supplement products combine hemp seeds with other plants and flowers used in herbal medical practices to bridge the gap between traditional and modern medicine, and give your body the care it needs.

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